Landowners will reap profitable information from an exciting meet up of local agencies at the George Henry White Memorial Health and Education Center on Tuesday, February 7 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
If you own land that has trees on it,
there are programs that can save you taxes, increase your income, minimize costs, and improve the value of your land.
“People say “Money doesn’t grow on trees…but I found out, it does!” said Wanda Campbell-Clay. She is coordinating this special informational “Lunch and Learn” with Michael Rhodes, North Carolina Forest Service D8 Assistant District Forester, as well as representatives from the Farm Service Agency, North Carolina Cooperative Extension, and other agencies. Additionally, County Rangers as well as Service Foresters with the NC Forest Service who serve Bladen and Columbus counties will be present. Presenters will explain ways to reduce tax burden and gain income, including special opportunities for minority landowners.
“So many people are getting overcharged for their taxes, or they don’t make much off their property, because they just don’t know what is out there,” explained Ms. Campbell Clay. “I was the same way, for years. Then, I found out there are so many ways to make money off land I had.”
“Landowners often are paying taxes at a commercial rate or get targeted by real estate developers who buy at dirt cheap prices, then re-sell at 40 or 50 times what they paid the original owner,” said Ms. Campbell Clay. “When we educate ourselves about how to manage land, use it, farm it, graze it or grow trees on it—we can make a good living from what we already own.”
Those who attend the Landowners Lunch and Learn will hear about the benefits of a Forestry Management plan, state and federal cost share programs, forestry taxation and fire (both prescribed and wild.)
“Sometimes, people are unsure how to fill out an application, or how to qualify for a program. But these agents are happy to help you through the process,” she urged. “These funds exist—from the federal, state, or local agencies—and if they aren’t used, they go to waste. Please, please, come out to this presentation and learn ways to grow financially just by managing your property more effectively!”
The program is offered at no cost through the George Henry White Memorial Health and Education Center, but we need to plan for the seating and food, so please call or register if at all possible, at 910-445-0269, weekdays between 10 and 4 p.m. The center is located at 731 Farmers Union Road, Clarkton, NC, 28433 (north of the Rehoboth AME Church) Directions and details can be found on the website: