We were over the moon when Bay Leaf Builders, the Christian ministry team built a sturdy handicap access ramp to allow all our community access to the George Henry White Memorial Center. But their kindness was greater than that feat--they have returned three more times to remove the rotting timbers, replace with strong new lumber, and rebuild the entire front porch! To that they added sturdy rails and two bench seats at either end, creating a suitably welcoming entryway to the much-needed GHW center!
Many thanks to these outstanding servant leaders,(above) Bob Lassiter (86 years young!) and (left to right) John Murray, Jim Jennings, Dick Wilkinson, Bill Howard of Bay Leaf Builders. And many thanks to Zach Haines and the great team at Lowe's lumber of Whiteville, for the donated lumber and materials that enabled the project to be done!
The story of Nehemiah reminds us that when the people all offer their skills and time and talent, the broken walls can be rebuilt. The George Henry White Memorial Health and Education Center is nearly ready to be used--the last big hurdle is the HVAC. We are urgently seeking solutions that will help us heat and cool the building, to make it operational. Please think hard about any resources you may be able to offer, to help complete this final step. Thank you!